APA Style (7th ed.)


Tables usually show numerical values or text and are almost always characterized by a row-column structure.

Any type of illustration other than a table is referred to as a figure.

Tables must be identified with the word "Table" and include a title and source. As with figures, there are 3 elements to include:

  1. In a caption, just above the table. The table number (e.g. Table 1) appears above the figure in bold. The table title appears one double-spaced line below the table number in Italic Title Case. A note can appear below the table to describe contents of the table that cannot be understood from the table title or image alone (e.g. source, copyright attribution). Notes are double-spaced and flush left.
  2. In your text. Include a sentence about the table explaining what it exemplifies and why it is there. For example, Table 1 shows .
  3. Reference in the Reference List

If you are writing a thesis with a lot of tables, they should be referenced in a List of Tables. In a shorter assignment, where you might have included only one or two tables, you can reference them in your bibliography or reference list.

Table 1

Car insurance quotations January 2022

Note. From Car insurance quotations, by H. Smith, 2022 (http://www.quotes.ie). Copyright 2022 by ABC Ireland.

In-Text Citations

Number all the tables that are part of the main text. In the text of your assignment, refer to them by their number. Do not write "the table above or below" or the "the table on page 18".