Ny state returnable container act

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Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the passage of the New York State Returnable Container Act

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(D, WF) 48th Senate District



Senate Resolution No. 2636

COMMEMORATING the 40th Anniversary of the passage
of the New York State Returnable Container Act

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that the
continuing welfare of the citizens of the State of New York is greatly
enriched and reliably served by the purposeful endeavors of those
organizations and individuals who are committed to the preservation of
our natural environment and the enhancement of the appreciation of the
distinctive features of our surroundings, and to the economic well-being
of the areas in which they exist; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the passage of the New York State
Returnable Container Act; and

WHEREAS, The New York State Returnable Container Act, commonly known
as the "Bottle Bill," was enacted into law in 1982; throughout the last
four decades, it has demonstrated a proven track record of success in
both reducing roadside litter by 70 percent while alleviating the
state's waste disposal services of billions of burdensome beverage
containers and diverting them from municipal landfills and incinerators
to create an environmentally beneficial circular economy; and

WHEREAS, Since its inception, over 11 million tons of containers
have been recycled in New York, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions
equivalent to taking approximately three million cars off the road for a
year; and

WHEREAS, The Bottle Bill continues to create jobs and is a critical
economic lifeline to many of New York's most vulnerable and
disadvantaged communities; and

WHEREAS, By expanding and modernizing the program to include wine,
liquor, hard cider, and non-carbonated beverage bottles, and by raising
the deposit from a nickel to a dime, recycling rates would increase to
90 percent, thereby, reducing container littler in our streets; and

WHEREAS, In addition, due to the growing recycling crisis, an
expansion of the Bottle Bill would help ease the burden the municipal
recycling facilities are facing by keeping these materials out of the
traditional waste stream; and

WHEREAS, Expansion of the Bottle Bill would be phased in, beginning
primarily with the harder-to-manage glass and aluminum containers, and
then moving to PET and other plastics; this initiative will help ensure
a continued market for beverage container materials and provide an
important step in decreasing reliance on single-use plastic; and

WHEREAS, The New York State Legislature is proud to recognize the
historical success of the New York State Returnable Container Act; and

WHEREAS, It is incumbent upon all citizens to recognize and applaud
the efforts of those who work tirelessly on behalf of protecting our
natural surroundings for the benefit of present and future generations
of New Yorkers; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the passage of the New York State
Returnable Container Act; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New
York and to the New York State Department of Conservation.
