3 Essential Promissory Note Templates for Tuition Fees with Partial Payments

A promissory note for tuition fees with partial payments is a valuable tool for students and their families to manage education costs. By formalizing the agreement, both parties can ensure clarity and security in the repayment process. Below are three unique templates that can be customized to fit your specific needs.

Template 1: Basic Promissory Note for Tuition Fee with Partial Payments

Promissory Note

Date: [Insert Date]

Borrower: [Student’s Full Name]
Address: [Student’s Address]
Phone Number: [Student’s Phone Number]
Email: [Student’s Email Address]

Lender: [School’s Full Name]
Address: [School’s Address]
Phone Number: [School’s Phone Number]
Email: [School’s Email Address]

Principal Amount: $[Total Tuition Amount]

Repayment Terms:

  1. The Borrower promises to pay the Lender the principal amount of $[Total Tuition Amount] for tuition fees.
  2. The Borrower agrees to make an initial partial payment of $[Initial Payment Amount] on [Initial Payment Date].
  3. The remaining balance of $[Remaining Balance Amount] will be paid in [Number of Installments] monthly installments of $[Monthly Installment Amount] starting on [First Installment Date] and ending on [Final Installment Date].
  4. Payments will be made via [Payment Method] to [Payment Address/Bank Details].
  5. A late fee of $[Late Fee Amount] will be charged for any payment received more than [Grace Period] days after the due date.
  6. This note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].


Borrower: [Student’s Full Name]
Date: [Insert Date]

Lender: [School’s Authorized Representative]
Date: [Insert Date]

Template 2: Detailed Promissory Note with Interest and Collateral

Promissory Note

Date: [Insert Date]

Borrower: [Student’s Full Name]
Address: [Student’s Address]
Phone Number: [Student’s Phone Number]
Email: [Student’s Email Address]

Lender: [School’s Full Name]
Address: [School’s Address]
Phone Number: [School’s Phone Number]
Email: [School’s Email Address]

Principal Amount: $[Total Tuition Amount]
Interest Rate: [Interest Rate]%

Repayment Terms:

  1. The Borrower promises to pay the Lender the principal amount of $[Total Tuition Amount] plus interest at the rate of [Interest Rate]% per annum.
  2. An initial partial payment of $[Initial Payment Amount] will be made on [Initial Payment Date].
  3. The remaining balance of $[Remaining Balance Amount] will be paid in [Number of Installments] monthly installments of $[Monthly Installment Amount], including interest, starting on [First Installment Date] and ending on [Final Installment Date].
  4. Payments will be made via [Payment Method] to [Payment Address/Bank Details].
  5. A late fee of $[Late Fee Amount] will be charged for any payment received more than [Grace Period] days after the due date.
  6. As collateral, the Borrower agrees to provide [Description of Collateral].
  7. This note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].


Borrower: [Student’s Full Name]
Date: [Insert Date]

Lender: [School’s Authorized Representative]
Date: [Insert Date]

Template 3: Promissory Note with Co-Signer

Promissory Note

Date: [Insert Date]

Borrower: [Student’s Full Name]
Address: [Student’s Address]
Phone Number: [Student’s Phone Number]
Email: [Student’s Email Address]

Co-Signer: [Co-Signer’s Full Name]
Address: [Co-Signer’s Address]
Phone Number: [Co-Signer’s Phone Number]
Email: [Co-Signer’s Email Address]

Lender: [School’s Full Name]
Address: [School’s Address]
Phone Number: [School’s Phone Number]
Email: [School’s Email Address]

Principal Amount: $[Total Tuition Amount]

Repayment Terms:

  1. The Borrower promises to pay the Lender the principal amount of $[Total Tuition Amount] for tuition fees.
  2. An initial partial payment of $[Initial Payment Amount] will be made on [Initial Payment Date].
  3. The remaining balance of $[Remaining Balance Amount] will be paid in [Number of Installments] monthly installments of $[Monthly Installment Amount] starting on [First Installment Date] and ending on [Final Installment Date].
  4. Payments will be made via [Payment Method] to [Payment Address/Bank Details].
  5. A late fee of $[Late Fee Amount] will be charged for any payment received more than [Grace Period] days after the due date.
  6. The Co-Signer agrees to be jointly and severally liable for the repayment of this note.
  7. This note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].


Borrower: [Student’s Full Name]
Date: [Insert Date]

Co-Signer: [Co-Signer’s Full Name]
Date: [Insert Date]

Lender: [School’s Authorized Representative]
Date: [Insert Date]

These templates provide a clear structure for managing tuition fees with partial payments, ensuring that both the student and the educational institution are protected.