Welcome to the PPS 6-12 Mathematics Website

The PPS Middle School Math Content Writing Teams would like to gather some feedback from you about how distance learning is going. We are NOT collecting email addresses in order to facilitate honest feedback. Please keep in mind during your responses that the Content Writing Teams are made up of our peers. Thank you for taking the time to complete this MS Math Distance Learning Feedback survey.

High School Updates

February 3rd , 2021

The PPS High School Math Content Writing Teams would like to gather some feedback from you about how distance learning is going for Algebra 1-2, Geometry and Algebra 3-4. We are NOT collecting email addresses in order to facilitate honest feedback. Please keep in mind during your responses that the Content Writing Teams are made up of our peers. Thank you for taking the time to complete this HS Math Distance Learning Feedback survey.

February 3rd, 2021

Looking for peers who are teaching or are interested in teaching data science, statistics, financial math, etc. that want to get together to collaborate?

Contact Doug Mella, dmella@pps.net , or Jaclyn Pfenning, jpfenning@pps.net , for more information.

(Here is an example curriculum: Wilson HS Data Science )

PPS K-12 Math Updates

February 2021

February 2021

November 2019

The Developing Leaders, Transforming Practice (DLTP) is a partnership between Portland Public Schools (PPS), Portland State University (PSU), and RMC Research Corporation (RMC). DLTP is a K-5 mathematics intervention focused on demonstrating the effectiveness of the DLTP professional development (PD) model in terms of improving teachers’ instructional practices (Goal 1), increasing student mathematics understanding and achievement (Goal 2), and evaluating the efficacy and use of Elementary Mathematics Specialists (EMSs) by testing 4 implementation models that take into account the various ways EMSs are integrated into schools (Goal 3). DLTP project webpage .