Is Square HIPAA Compliant?

As more companies begin to accept non-traditional forms of payment, it is important to determine whether or not these payments are secure. This is particularly important for healthcare organizations. This begs the question, is Square HIPAA compliant?

Is Square HIPAA Compliant: HIPAA Safeguards

HIPAA requires organizations working with protected health information (PHI) to implement administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to secure the sensitive information. These safeguards are meant to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PHI.

Are you adequately protecting patient data? Find out now with our HIPAA compliance checklist.

Square lists its’ privacy protections as follows:

Square lists its’ security protections as follows:

Is Square HIPAA Compliant: HIPAA Business Associate Agreement

Software companies that have access to PHI are considered business associates under the HIPAA regulation. To use any software in conjunction with PHI, HIPAA requires organizations to have a signed business associate agreement (BAA). A BAA is a legal document mandating business associates to implement safeguards to protect PHI. Square is willing to sign a BAA with their healthcare clients, as such, can be used for HIPAA compliant payment processing.

Is Square HIPAA Compliant?

So is Square HIPAA compliant? Yes, with a signed BAA in place and when used properly, Square is HIPAA compliant.

For more information on Square and HIPAA please click here .